Chelmsford Weekly News - Memorials

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In Memoriam

Raymond 'Ray' Davies

Published on 21/03/2024

Raymond Davies 'Ray' 01/10/1949 - 27/03/2023 Aged 73 My darling Husband Ray sadly passed away suddenly on 27/03/2023. I miss you so much, you were my soul mate and best friend. I know you will always be with me by my side. The Children Joanne, Wayne, Paul and Carly will miss a kind loving Father and the 12 Grandchildren Harry, Leo, Evan, Ashton, Marty, Lucas, April, Landon, Toby, Phoebe, Billy and Harvey. They will miss a dear Grandad who loved them so much. It is so sad that he will not be here to watch them all grow up, but he will always be watching over them. Dear Ray, you will always be in our hearts and thoughts forever. Loving you always Carol and all the family XXXXXX


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