COLCHESTER General Hospital says it has seen a drop in the number of people believed to have flu in the last few days.

But three people were still in critical care and doctors believe there could be another increase in cases now the new school term has started.

Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust said there was a drop in suspected flu cases with one or two a day, compared to about half a dozen between Christmas and New Year.

A trust spokesman said: “However, now the schools have gone back, we are concerned there is a possibility of a second surge.

“The number of patients we are currently seeing with suspected flu is about normal for an average winter. What is different is that we are seeing more younger people.”

Two women were in the hospital’s critical care unit with swine flu and one man with influenza B.

Latest figures from the Health Protection Agency show the number of people who went to their doctor complaining of flu-like symptoms peaked around New Year.

There were 49.8 cases per 100,000 people in Colchester and Tendring in the week ending January 2. That was compared to 9.7 cases in the last week of November and 32.8 cases in the week ending December 26.

The figures for north-east Essex are below national levels, which saw a reported 73 cases per 100,000 people between Christmas and New Year.